I have been writing regularly since my teens, but it wasn’t until 2008 that I decided to take it seriously. I spent three years training at the School of Writers of Madrid, with Berna Wang. As a result of that training, I self-published my first novel “The Lemon Nap” that obtained a Special Mention at the North Texas Award Book Festival in 2016. In 2019, my second novel “The awakening of the lemon” was published in a special edition along with the first, a continuation of the previous one, written at the request of my readers. They are in the process of translating into English.

You can buy the novels here. 

Since 2017, I have been writing stories aimed at children in kindergarten and primary school, and parents who want to educate their children in values, especially in the value of diversity. They are stories inspired by real stories and real experiences. They are in three languages: Spanish, English and French and there are also audios in these three languages. All can be found on the bokobokids.com platform

If you want to buy the stories separately, here you can.

Susana Bokobo